This little tutorial gives me hope. Perhaps one day in the distant future, we will have interstellar kindergartens teaching humans how to build and play with impossible 4-dimensional objects.
The next dimension is rightfully hidden from us. Its a place so bizarre and alien to us that we have to talk around it using geometric symbols. A mere glimpse of it is enough to drive physicists to a lifetime of study and mathematicians to fits of ecstatic mathematicing.
Im just a guy who works in an office and saw this free app and thought it was cool. Now my wife is rolling her eyes at me while she sweeps up by brains off the floor. My brains are still in my head so I dont know how they are also on the floor, but what I do know is this: you owe it to yourself to download this app and give it a go. Do it for your brain cells. Do it for your children. Do it for your country.
PS- Dev team: A VR version might be super fun and could land you in the history Ebooks as one of the catalysts for the 4D revolution.
Apoctapus about The Fourth Dimension, v1.4